Frequently Asked Questions

What to wear for my massage?
You can wear what makes you feel the most comfortable.

How long of a massage should I receive?
You can chose from a 90 minute to a 120 minutes.

How far in advanced should I scheduled a massage?
Please give me at least 48-72 hour notice.

Do you take insurance?
Unfortunately, I do not take insurance. I do take FSA/HSA.

How much should I tip my massage therapist?
Tipping is not required, but it is nice to tip your therapist.

Do you do spa or bachelorette parties?
Most definitely.

.When should I avoid a massage?
If you are sick, just getting over a cold, have a fever, a skin condition that is contagious.

Will the massage hurt?
Massage should not hurt. You might have some tender spots during the massage, but it should not be uncomfortable. The most important key to a great massage is COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION

Do you talk during a massage?
Do what is best for you. Do what feels comfortable for you. Talking is alright if that makes you feel better.

Is falling asleep normal?
Yes, when you allow your body to relax and release, you will definitely fall asleep. P.S. I will not bother you. :)

How often should I get a massage?
I suggest every two weeks if you can, but if not at least once a month.

What do I have to disclose to the therapist?
Please let the therapist know if you have any injuries, health issues, or any areas you don't want touched. (hands, feet, etc.) This will allow the therapist to better serve your needs.

What is your cancellation policy?
Cancellations must be made within 24hours otherwise you will be charged full price for the service.

Do you require a deposit?
Yes, a deposit is required to hold your appointment. Please understand you will not be charged unless you cancel the same day or outside of the cancellation policy. Your deposit will go towards your service.

Please explain your prices?
My prices are consist with the economy. Gas prices, travel time, the distance of my travel and many other factors that I take into consideration to provide the price. Please remember I provide excellent service and it will be well worth it.

How much space do I need?
Enough space for a massage table and for the therapist to move around. It will be uncomfortable for the therapist if she can't move around to service your needs.

What should I do after my massage?
Drink plenty of water and a bath soak would be nice. Rest is very important. Try not to do any activities within 24 hours. It takes at least 24-72 hours before you begin to feel the effects of the massage.

Should I work out after my massage?
I do not advise you to workout after a massage. Workout before your massage..

Do you take precautions for COVID?
YES! Your health and safety is very important to me.